Lessons from Karate for Professional Life

So at the beginning of February, I was thinking about how karate had helped me with my professional life. Of course, it’s fun to have a cool hobby to discuss with your coworkers. Karate certainly fits that bill.

However, on a philosophical level, my karate practice has aided me in more fundamental ways. I work in visual effects. As an industry, visual effects is basically the intersection between the technology sector and the film industry. Neither of these have a reputation for being easy for women to navigate. In fact, during my twenty year career, I’ve never worked for a female visual effects supervisor. They exist: I’ve seen or met three. Of the three, only one worked on a large projects with lots of 3d animation. The other two worked primarily on smaller, indie films with less computer graphics.

Seeing the success of others similar to ourselves reminds us of what is possible to achieve. My cat and his inspiration.

Once, at Dreamworks, I worked on a film with a female director. The vibe with a female at the head of the picture was a bit different, but not terribly different. For those of us for whom it is rare to see a woman in a position of leadership, she was an inspiration. She was also an Asian woman–so for persons of color, particularly Asian women, it was cool to see her at the helm. When we see ourselves in another who has achieved a great success, it reminds us of what is possible. She did a great job, too!

Work Life is Competitive

Fitting In and Standing Out

Not a Wallflower: flower photo made during a trip to Colorado in 2018

Male friends have told me it’s not easy for them to succeed, either. At least as a minority, you stand out. People remember you because you are a rarity. My male friends feel like wall flowers. Our industry also employs folks from all over the world. Coworkers from other countries experience difficulties, too. Often English is not their first language; this adds communication and cultural barriers for them. Many of us have reasons to feel like we don’t fit at work. Gender, race, nationality, religious expression, sexual orientation or identity, heritage, age, physical or mental abilities, education level and emotional challenges–this is not a complete list. Often, the things that make us unique can also make us stick out, for better or worse. The inverse is also true: fitting in too well can make us feel invisible.

Relocating, Long Hours: Understanding Your Problems Aren’t Unique

Moreover, visual effects is highly competitive. We often work long hours. More recently, folks were expected to relocate for jobs, sometimes to different countries. This has the effect of reducing the number of older people in the industry: once you’ve bought a house or had children, moving to another state or country is much more complicated. Interestingly enough, with the pandemic making it possible for more of us to work from home, that may changed. I certainly hope it will.

Visual effects, however, is not unique. Many industries ask employees to relocate, and feel competitive for workers. I was surprised, but not really, to read about how much pressure workers experience in warehouses run by Amazon. Not long ago, the LA Times ran an article about how shoppers and drivers for services like Instacart feel squeezed by both employers and the customers utilizing those services. My sister is a child therapist. About a year ago, her company converted her and others to contractors. During any given week, she doesn’t know if she will work forty hours or less. She and others like her have lost their benefits, like health insurance or paid vacation.

Working for a living, for the majority of us, is not easy.

How Can Karate Help?

How can karate help? Certainly, it provides exercise. It emphasizes both strength training and cardiovascular fitness. Keeping your body fit is a major advantage, and a fit body helps promote a healthy brain with balanced emotions. That said, I find karate’s philosophical underpinnings helpful, too. Here are lessons I learned from karate which help me in the workplace.

1. Remember to Kiai!

What is the most important part of the kiai? That it be heard! When we practice kihon, break boards or perform some particularly difficult feat, we kiai. Kiais have a twofold purpose: to focus your attention, and bring the attention of others to what you are doing.

First, a kiai is a “spirit call.” You can use it to focus your energy towards the task at hand. You give a shout, channeling your all into what you are doing at that moment. We are trained to kiai the second our hands or feet slice through objects. This forceful shout gives us a singular focus and helps us channel all of our mental and physical energy into a particular goal, be it a blow to a brick or a punch to a formidable opponent.

When you reach a milestone, let others know! Photo taken during trip to Colorado. I’m sure this goat’s buddies knew of its accomplishments.

The kiai also teaches us to claim our space and make our voices heard. This is particularly important for white belts. Newer students are often shy. They try not to bring attention to themselves. The kiai quickly teaches them to let this shyness go. The kiai announces to the rest of the dojo that these students are here, making a focused effort, and pay attention to them!

This is helpful in the workplace, too. Speak up about what you do. Claim your space at work; tell others what you are working on. Certainly let them know when you’ve accomplished a feat or reached a milestone. Let your voice be heard! This, too, is a kiai.

2. Follow Truth

For Kyokushin, “truth” is in the name of our style. In the dojo, we seek to find that truth: the truth of our own strengths and limitations, the truth that these are not fixed points, but rather marks influenced by diligent effort.

In order to improve ourselves, we must also be honest with ourselves, and each other, about where we are right now. The entire kyu-rank structure helps us mark progress by setting attainable goals. In order to advance to the next level, you learn certain kata and syllabus, do a fixed number of exercises and fight a certain number of rounds. Each kyu rank increases in difficulty, but the student, too, becomes stronger, tougher and more capable.

Part of the pursuit of truth, then, is being honest regarding your own capabilities and progress. You do this by performing tests, and submitting your skills to the assessment of others. As an advanced student, you may help judge others. You must also practice on your own, and assess your own skills. How many push-ups can I do on my toes and fists? Am I maintaining what I need for my rank? If I want to advance, how many do I need to do for my next rank? The goal of these assessments, both those we give to ourselves and to others, is this: help individuals improve.

Objectivity and Benchmarks

Note what is happening here: we agree upon objective benchmarks. For example, performing five of the pinans and yantsu correctly, sparring for six two-minute rounds, and doing sixty push-ups, sit-ups and squats, along with learning the fourth kyu syllabus are the requirements for a green belt in our style. When we hold a promotion, candidates know the requirements. They perform these as tests in the presence of others. During promotions, we demonstrate whether or not we can meet the benchmark for a particular rank. In short, we attempt to find objective measurements for progress.

You can do this in the workplace, too. Push for clearly defined, attainable goals. Encourage coworkers to do the same. Offer objective assessments couched in encouragement to others. Make self-improvement your goal and help others to improve themselves, too!

3. Defend Yourself

We hope that, most of the time, the workplace is a friendly, encouraging space where everyone is able to do their best. Often, though, this isn’t the case. Self-defense is one of the pillars of karate. Since truth is important to us, we recognize that the world can be a dangerous place. Sometimes others are intent on doing harm.

“Self-defense… begins with the belief that you are worth defending.” Our karate club’s publicity wonk texted this quote from the Jiu-jitsu master Rorian Gracie just last week along the link to a Zoom karate class. This sense of self-worth is fundamental to karate: your own life, health, well-being and improvement must be of great importance to you–or there might not be a you!

Sensei R. often tells us this: when you are attacked, the first thing you must recognize is that you in a fight. At that moment, the fight is your current reality and you need to deal with it appropriately. Often, people will not see the evidence before their own eyes and will choose to pretend everything is okay when it is not. Sometimes they mistakenly believe that if they simply act normal, life will go back to normal. This is denial, and it’s dangerous. Karate teaches us not to seek conflict, but it does gives us tools for dealing with conflict when it finds us. If you’re in a fight, fight back with everything you have: your skills, smarts, strength and spirit: kiai, kick and punch!

Appropriate Defense at Work

In the workplace, I hope, a physical altercation would be less likely. If you feel you are under attack, first assess the nature of the attack. If you are engaged in a fair battle of ideas, defend your ideas! Also listen to the defense of others’ ideas. Relax: sparring over the best approach or the best solution to a problem is a good thing, and can make you stronger regardless of who actually wins. Look for benchmarks or objective criteria in order to find the truth. Let objectivity bring you and your coworkers to the best solution. Enjoy the kumite match!

Work can feel rugged; put on your hiking boots! Defend your ideas, but listen to others. Try to keep perspective. Photo of Utah from 2019.

If you feel a coworker is questioning your judgement, state clearly your beliefs and list evidence for them. Also state your qualifications for making those judgements. Sometimes your coworkers may not be aware of your background and qualifications. They may not know why you made certain decisions. So tell them clearly. If you hear your work being scrutinized, listen to criticism, but analyze what is actually being said. What benchmarks or objective criteria are at play? Did you know about these criteria beforehand? If not, point this out. Do any of the criticisms have merit? If so, you have an opportunity to make improvements. Own these. If not, propose objective criteria.

In short, answer criticisms. Engage your critics. Defend your work. Do not let fear interfere with your self-confidence. Finally, remember we all have room for improvement.

4. Own Your Rank

Karate teaches us to own our rank. As white belts, we listen, observe and imitate. White belts bring enthusiasm to karate. Likewise junior employees or interns in a company offer enthusiasm and a fresh perspective, but they are also expected to listen and learn. Advanced karate students will ask the Sensei about finer details of karate; they help instruct less advanced students. If you are a senior employee or someone with a lot of experience, that’s your job: mentor those younger and less experienced coworkers, pay attention to the finer points that you know to look for, and point these out. Accept the responsibility that comes with your level of experience.

Time is Money: Respect it

As a woman working in an area with fewer women, I often find myself in a situation in which people assume that I know less than I do, or that I have less experience than I do. I’m short, too, and sometimes people unconsciously associate being young (inexperienced) with being small. Before I studied karate, I would listen politely in my desire to be considerate, convinced the other person is simply trying to be helpful. I might let someone explain a procedure to me that I actually understood well. After studying karate, I do not do this. I recognize reality: the company’s money is at stake. Survival for a company depends upon judicious use of money. My time is the company’s money. His time is, too. I politely interrupt now.

In a dojo, it’s easy to own your rank. We don our belts and line up by rank. It’s clear who is a shodan and who is a mu-kyu. At the office, it isn’t clear. You may have to tell someone what your position is. It doesn’t make you a jerk. On the contrary, it means you respect that other person’s time as well as your own.

Life is Short

My son’s drawing of Buddha for a school project

Karate encourages us to live in the here and now. Meditation, breathing exercises, kumite: all of these teach us to be present in the moment. Take that awareness to work with you, then bring it back home. Recognize that, if you are fortunate, you will live long enough to see changes at work, at home, in yourself and in others. Some of these changes will be good ones and others will not. Be patient with others and yourself. Empathize. When you are home, let go of work and be at home. Seek peace.

Democracy, Truth, Violence and Karate

After events in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021, I needed to grapple with current events.

Our institutions and our world, are like a dojo. Treat them with respect.

After events in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021, I felt I needed to write something grappling with current events, even though this is mostly a karate blog with oblique references to my profession.

Personal Interest in Spirituality and Truth

I am an American. I grew up in the South. One of the most influential persons in my life was an evangelical Christian and Southern Baptist. However, I fell in love with a man of Jewish heritage who considered himself an atheist until he found Buddhism. I converted to Judaism and chose to raise my children as Jews.

But right now, I’m reading the Koran. As a student in Germany, a graduate student in physics named Nadia befriended me. Her family raised her as a Christian, but she chose to convert to Islam. Her intelligence, kindness and thoughtfulness left a deep impression on me. I have a sister who converted to Islam as well. Hence, my interest in the Koran. As student in Germany, I read the Bhagavad Gita, as well as some autobiographical writings of Mahatma Ghandi. On this blog, I’ve talked about Buddhist texts, particularly ones on Zen, which influence karate. Sometimes I make references to Lao Tsu, whose writings I discovered later in life.

My aunt instilled a deep interest in spirituality and truth in me. Reading Bible stories with her sparked my childish imagination. She instilled in me a desire to live up to her lofty values. And what were those values? Be a good person. Tell the truth. Have compassion. In short, she’d say, to the best of your ability, be like Jesus.

Oyama, too, instructed his karateka: be a good person, a strong family member and serve your community. My aunt would approve.

“One living daily in the Way carries their head low and their eyes high; reserved in speech and possessing a kind heart, they steadfastly continue in their training efforts.”

Sosai Masutatu Oyama

How to Judge Me; Inherent Bias

I tell you these things so you can evaluate where I come from. Each of us has implicit biases, based in our familial, cultural, religious and national heritages. This is, to a degree, part of our nature as humans. Each of us chooses to embrace and reject parts of our upbringing and heritage. As teenagers and young adults, we seek to answer the question, “Who am I? What do I believe? What do I stand for?”

That said, each of us has blind spots. We can only overcome those blind spots if we acknowledge they exist. One way to overcome them is to befriend honest, trusted people who are not like us, then listen closely to them. Those differences can be based in heritage, religion, political beliefs, age, profession, physical appearance, build and perceived abnormalities, material affluence, nation or region of origin, physical or mental diversity and abilities or lack thereof, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and socially-constructed race. In short, we need friends different from us. They can help us become better people, if we are willing to hear what they say.

Just as we have senpais (older siblings) when we practice in the dojo, a person with different life experiences from you can be like a senpai. How do we treat senpais in a dojo? We observe them, listen, and try to imitate what they do well. The world can be like a dojo if we enter it respectfully, willing to observe carefully, listen, and learn from those around us.

House of the Search for Absolute Reality

Hike in the Olympic National Forest

So again, what does karate have to do with recent political events? The style of karate that I and my martial arts compatriots practice is called Kyokushin, and it was established by a Japanese man of Korean heritage, Masutatsu Oyama. Kyokushin literally means “absolute truth” in Japanese, and the Kyokushin kai, the symbol many of us wear on our gis, means “House of Absolute Truth.” However, “truth” can also be interpreted as “reality.” From the Wikipedia entry on Kyokushin, here’s a good explanation, breaking down the parts of Kyokushin Kai:

Oyama chose the kanji of Kyokushinkai (極真会) to resemble the samurai sword safely placed in its sheath. Translated, kyoku means “ultimate”, shin means “truth” or “reality” and kai means “to join” or “to associate.” Kyokushinkai, roughly translated, means “Association for Ultimate Truth”.[“What is Kyokushin? Mas-Oyama.com. Retrieved April 23, 2013] This concept has less to do with the Western meaning of truth; rather it is more in keeping with the bushido concept of discovering the nature of one’s true character when tried.[ Groenwold, A. M. (2002) Karate the Japanese Way Canada: Trafford Publishing.] One of the goals of kyokushin is to strengthen and improve character by challenging one’s self through rigorous training.{“What is Kyokushin?” Mas-oyama.com. Retrieved October 26, 2013]

Wikipedia entry “Kyokushin

My Sensei would often refer to that nuance: truth versus reality. He also added his own wisdom: none of us should presume to own the truth, or reality, in its entirety. Our narrow experiences and knowledge limits us. We seek to improve ourselves precisely because we know we need it. Therefore, Sensei R liked to say, we are the “house of the search for absolute reality.”

Searching for Reality: Our Senses

So, how do we know what is true and real? Where do we start? Certainly our own experiences are a great start. If a brick feels hard when you strike it, you can say it’s hard.

Our physical experience in the world: what we see, hear, smell, taste and feel, is our primary evidence for what reality is.

Sometimes personal experience isn’t enough. I wasn’t in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021. How do I know what actually transpired there?

Reality Testing: When Not To Trust your Senses

But let’s take a step back for a moment. I just asserted that we should be able to trust our own experiences as mediated by our own senses. Is that always true?

My mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was fourteen. She often told me about her visions. She heard voices, too. Sometimes she was aware that she could see and hear things no one else could see or hear. At other times, she was surprised to find that others had not experienced what she’d experienced.

Once she told me about a vision she’d had. She’d dated a particular man then broken off the relationship. Shortly afterwards, someone slashed her car tires. She believed he did it, because before the tire incident, she’d had a “vision.” She characterized it as such since it was in black and white, not color. However, the man in in her vision had yellow teeth. This detail stood out to her because it was the only element of color in an otherwise black and white experience. That detail revealed the man’s identity to her. She’d made note of his yellow teeth when they had been together in the past.

In this case, she knew her vision was outside of normal reality because it was in black and white, rather than color. She understood no one else but she had had this experience. She knew it was not “real” in the sense that you reading this blog right now is real. Nevertheless, it held meaning for her.

She told me about another experience quite unlike that one. As a temp office worker for Kelly Services, she’d struck up a friendship with one of the men at the office. One day, she realized he was not there.

Seeking out the judgement of others

According to my mother, her friend was there, until she realized he was not. So what does that mean? I puzzled over this for a long time. One of these two situations had occurred in reality: either my mother imagined this man, and interacted with an invisible person at the office (Scenario A), or my mother concluded that a real man, whom she’d previously interacted with, did not really exist (Scenario B). She knew enough to know that her hold on reality, at times, was tenuous.

But what was real? What actually happened with my mother in that office? How can you know, if you knew that you could not always trust your own senses? From my mother’s point of view, here’s how you might discover the truth: talk to the other people in the office. If they notice you were talking to thin air or frequently talking to yourself, then assume Scenario A, he does not exist, is likely true. However, if they note that you had made a friend, then strangely started ignoring him, Scenario B is more likely true, that he does exist.

Overcoming limitations

I learned from my mother, and her disease, that personal experiences are limited and possibly flawed. This is in line with studies conducted on implicit bias. We have each internalized the biases of our own families, communities and cultures. This is true regardless of mental abilities. However, just like a mental disability, biases limit our understanding of reality. They color what we see, or rather, remove color from what we see. Sometimes we have awareness of our biases, like my mother’s black and white vision. Other times, these biases are truly unconscious and we need honest feedback from others to bring us into reality.

In addition, there are our obvious limitations: determining what really happened at a time and place when you weren’t there. What do you do? You turn to the experiences of others to overcome your limitations.

Wednesday’s Events

On Wednesday, as events unfolded, my husband was glued to Twitter. He also followed the live reports of various reporters in the Capitol. That evening at 6pm, I tuned into the Senate debate, broadcast live by the New York Times. They debated an objection raised to certify Arizona’s electoral votes. Correspondents wrote comments in the margins of the page as different senators spoke from the floor.

Also, I paid special attention to Republican senators. Many condemned the violence exhibited that day. One in particular said she would change her vote based on the prior events, though she continued to question the validity of the election’s results. In the end, six senators voted in favor of the objection while ninety three voted against it. I didn’t stick around for the House debate.

If you lived in a small town in a rural area, and everyone you knew had voted like you, I can understand how you might assume your vote represents a majority; it may be in line with the majority in your community. However, if you have friends or relatives in metropolitan areas, you can find out how their opinions might differ from yours with a phone call. You can read the local papers from other communities in faraway places. Unless you live in a place with limited service or without freedom of media, you also can read online press releases from other countries as well as those from within your own country. This is reality-checking.

What’s True and Real

In the United States, we have a series of checks and balances set up to help prevent corruption. The balance of powers between the three branches of government is one. No one branch is permitted to hold absolute power.

The president asserts the election was stolen from him. Who stole it and how? His followers, who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday, intended to defend him. Did they defend him? What is reality?

The Courts

The American court system offers redress to people who believe they have been wronged and those accused of wrong-doing. President Trump’s legal team filed multiple lawsuits on his behalf regarding election fraud. Most of them were rejected. The few that prevailed were not significant enough to move the needle of election results in any state.

In addition, the Supreme Court declined to hear those cases on appeal and rejected one case outright. There are at least six conservative judges, three of whom were appointed under Trump’s administration in the Supreme Court. It is not likely that the Supreme Court is biased against the current president.

In our court system, the burden of proof rests with the accuser and not the accused. It was not sufficient for the Trump Administration to claim voter fraud in various counties and states. To prevail, they had to offer enough proof to convince a judge and possibly a jury.

The Congress

Congress met to ratify the votes of the electors from the states. A handful of representatives raised objections to the votes of some states; Congress debated those. As mentioned earlier, the Senate voted 6 to 93 against the objection to Arizona’s votes. The House rejected the same objection 303 to 121. Objections were similarly raised to Pennsylvania’s vote, and were rejected, in both houses, by similar margins. Vice President Pence, a loyal supporter of the current president, presided over these proceedings. Recall, too, that the current president’s party held a slim majority in the Senate. Many Senators are loyal to the Republican Party and to the current president. It is not likely that the Senate was biased against President Trump. Senator after senator, Republican and Democrat, speaking from the floor, spoke passionately about doing their jobs.

More Republican Representatives in the Democrat-controlled House voted as the President hoped, but the majority still voted in favor of certifying the states’ votes.

The courts and the Congress, then, have stymied the current president’s ambitions to stay in power. One might argue they’re simply against him. However, our government was designed with the idea that the three branches of government would keep the power of each in check. This is the more likely scenario.

For those of us who were not at the Capitol last Wednesday, we have the accounts of eye-witnesses, including first-hand accounts from senators and representatives belonging to both parties, the police, members of the press, protestors and even the accounts of rioters.

Trust the Process

When I first began my karate journey, I felt intimidated. I watched the black, brown and green belts perform katas, fight, and do kihon. They knew the Japanese terminology. I was impressed with their knowledge, fierceness and grace. At times, I wasn’t sure I’d last long enough in my studies to attain a high rank. As an older, petite woman and a white belt, I wondered if I’d ever be able to hold my own in a kumite match with any of my fellow karateka.

Once in a while, I’d give voice to those apprehensions, and one of my senpais would answer, “Trust the process.” Sensei R. would also tell the class, “Trust your training.”

Now, nearly eight years later, I know the Japanese terminology. I know kihon and many katas. I’ve broken bricks with my hands. Over the holiday break, I was even able to get through Kanku, one of our longest, advanced kata. But it took years of practice–including many days in which I made a lot of mistakes–to get there. But I trusted the process. I trained. I am not perfect, but I am much improved over where I was when I started.

Democracy is messy, but it has a process

Yes, our democracy is far from perfect. Every voter precinct has volunteers, some paid and others not, helping to run the elections. Civil servants at all levels are people. Many have significant experience while others, fresh-faced, volunteered for the first time during this past election. Do they make mistakes? Of course! But luckily, there are multiple persons present while voting, and vote counting, occurs. They have training and a responsibility to report errors if they see them.

Our process, during both the 2016 and the 2020 elections, has received significant scrutiny, and we’ve made corrections. Investigations noted irregularities, foreign influence and misinformation in the 2016 election. These did influence that election. However, despite the fact that the 2016 election had been a close one, with the popular vote going to one candidate and the electoral college going to another, those tasked with investigating these problems still concluded that President Trump had won fairly in 2016. Of course many people did not like to hear that, but this was the consensus.

Checking Reality

Our elected officials did discuss and take measures to help protect against interference in our elections in the future. The 2020 elections, as well as voters, benefitted from some of these. However, by the time the 2020 elections arrived, our country had to work around a world-wide pandemic in addition. The voting public, however, has more awareness of issues like misinformation and foreign interference.

The results of the 2020 election were not close. However, Biden’s edge in the popular vote, according to the Pew Research Center, was about 4.45% of votes cast. The Electoral College cast 306 votes in favor of Biden and 232 in favor of Trump. According to Pew, Biden’s lead over Trump in the popular vote is about seven million. Pew notes Biden’s 2020 victory over Trump in the Electoral College looks like Trump’s victory over Clinton in 2016.

Nevertheless, the current president filed legal challenges, and those challenges went to the courts. This is the appropriate place for such challenges. If the challenges fail, then the losing party needs to regroup and learn from their losses.

In politics, as in karate, we learn more from our failures than from our victories.

Violence is Not the Way Forward

Given the emphasis that karate practitioners place on kumite (sparring) and tameshiwari (breaking stuff), it may sound counter-intuitive for me to write this, but karateka seek to be masters of violence in order to avoid it.

First, we learn self-control. During kumite, advanced students know how to take and give blows without letting their emotions run away from them. We control our breath, our muscles and our minds during sparring. Often, a karate teacher pairs advanced students with less experienced ones precisely because they will both challenge and teach the less experienced students. However, senpais remain in control of themselves, so they will not injure or discourage their kohais.

When we learn self-defense, the lesson is always to keep the fight as short as possible and get to safety. The goal is not to hurt others, but rather to defend ourselves and keep ourselves safe.

Mayhem is not protected political speech

While there were many peaceful protestors on Wednesday, some engaged in vandalism. Some participated in the chaos and expressed their anger, while others acted out in mob violence. Still others had more deadly intensions: they carried weapons into the capitol, or planted pipe bombs in the headquarters of both parties. Rioters beat a police officer with a fire extinguisher. He died. In total, five people died. Rioters threatened the vice president’s life: they erected a gallows, a white supremacist symbol, and chanted “Hang Mike Pence!”

Mayhem, threats and violence are the tools of thugs, extremists and dictators. It takes no skill or courage to pull a gun’s trigger or set off a bomb.

If you want to make change, take Sosai Mas Oyama’s advice:

“Personal greed and egoism are things that cause human beings to forget respect for others and to violate rules that have been established for the sake of peace and friendship.”

Sosai Mas Oyama

Do the right thing. Advocate change, but do not violate others in the process.

This nation, our institutions, and our world, are like a dojo. Treat them as such: with reverence and respect. Enter and leave them with humility, head bowed but eyes raised.