Monday May 4th, 2020

Today, I did forty push-ups, “tricep-style,” on the floor on my knuckles, then twenty “chest-style” push-ups on the matte. Because the Monday after a week of rest is a good time to be macho, I added twenty more “chest” push-ups on my knees. However, I must admit that the last two barely counted.

I did eighty squats, alternating each set of “normal” squats with “punching” squats. For “punching” squats, when we come up from the squat, we punch rapidly once with each fist–the punches should fit within the time of a “normal” squat. I sailed through those fine, although I botched the Japanese count. I mixed up shichi (seven) and shi (four.)

For sit-ups, I tried to mix it up a bit but still focus on upper abs. So, twenty toe-touches and forty traditional sit-ups with floor slaps to start. Following this, I did one set of “diagonal” abs: a combination of a bicycle and a leg-lift. To do these, you keep one leg up at about a thirty to forty-five degree angle and just hold that while you touch your knee to your elbow on the other side. One set is ten exercises on each side. I find those challenging. After those, I rounded out my eighty with one more set of traditional sit-ups. Sit-ups winded me, so I know now that these will help me be more fit.

Plan for today: twenty minute run on the treadmill and my second set of exercises (40 floor chest pushups, 20+ on the matte, 80 squats and 80 sit-ups.) Wish me luck! It is my first day back to it after having a week off!

I also have ten minutes to get dressed and clock into work.

Author: an Ichi Kyu

I study Kyokushin karate at a dojo in Burbank. I don't yet have permission to say more than this about my dojo. I am also a mother of two, both of whom have studied Kyokushin karate a year longer than I. They are instructors! My husband created the art posted on this site. I have his permission to use it, but he expressly asked me not to credit him as the artist. He's moved on to other styles, and doesn't particularly want a public association with this piece. I love this artwork, personally. And me? I work full time as a cloth and hair simulation artist, as well as a python coder, in the visual effects industry. I have roughly sixteen years experience in film and about four in television. I am 50; I suppose my decision to attempt the black belt test, along with creating this blog, represents my mid-life crisis. Wish me luck!