Sunday October 18, 2020
On Friday night, we enjoyed a weapons class taught by Senpai SL. He is one formidable karateka. He can spin two sets of nunchucks at once, and has created his own weapons kata, for both nunchucks and bo staff. SL has taught the class each of his original kata as well.
When he teaches weapons, he has us practice the moves involved in the kata, first. He began with having us practice “figure eights” and “flowers,” which is basically a move in which you swing the nunchucks in a horizontal “eight.” Then he moves on to having us practice more difficult moves, such as spinning the nunchucks about your hand before performing a break against your shoulder or spinning them down. Finally, he went over one of the nunchuck katas. After this, he would mix it up with “challenges,” more exercises and finally, we’d go over the kata again.
Introductory Nunchuck Practice
I found a great video that breaks down some of the moves. This is not a karate video, but the forms are the same as the ones we’re learning.
A “flower” basically goes in the opposite direction. He also has us practice with our dominant and non-dominant hands. If a karateka does not have nunchucks at home, Sensei N or Senpai SL will go over how to make a “nunchuck” from a karate belt. You basically fold it over on itself and rubber band both ends.
And here is a cool tutorial on what we were calling a “spin,” because the nunchuck spins about your fingers or hand. The instructor in this video calls this a “wrist roll” or a modified figure eight.
Senpai SL would also make up a little “Renraku” using the various moves we practiced. He really knows how to keep a class interesting and also how to keep us on our toes. So he’d have us do various moves, such as the figure eight or a spin, “down the lane,” then turn and do the same move again multiple times back “up the lane.” Again, he had us practice both sides.
Nunchuck Challenge!
Somewhere around the middle of the class, he decided to do a “challenge.” The first time we did the challenge, he’d have a volunteer start out and do a set of moves on the spot. The next person had to imitate the first person’s move, then “top” that person’s moves with ones of his or her own. Then it would continue. Usually SL would do some amazing moves at the beginning or end.
Since we’d done that exercise before during the last weapons class, he decided to do timed exercises. So, when the Zoom spotlight was on the first “contestant,” that person performed various nunchuck moves until he or she dropped the nunchucks. Senpai SL went first, and actually dropped it pretty early. For the rest of the class, we all teased back and forth about SL’s time. Senpai CF smoked us with the longest time. I probably had the worst time.
Senpai SL’s Golden Teaching
Whenever Senpai SL teaches, he has a fun little phrase he uses. He will say, “Okay, we’re going to practice ” this or that, “then when we’re done, we can do…” then he’ll pause for effect, “whatever we want!” He says it with such enthusiasm, too. Unlike most of teachers, and I include myself here, when we have extra time, it is a source of worry. “Oh, what do we do now? What do I do with an extra 5 minutes?” We strive to have the entire class planned out. Most of us feel it is better to plan more activities and run out of time for them, than to end up with extra time on our hands.
Then, when we’re done, we can do…………..whatever we want!
Senpai SL
Senpai SL recognizes extra time for what it really is: a gift. He’s happy to finish early, and have time for “whatever we want!” And he normally has plenty of fun ideas for that extra time. Usually, he opens it up to the class for suggestions: “So what do you guys want to do now?” If he receives suggestions or questions, he’ll answer or follow the students’ leads. If no one has any, he’ll come up with something cool to demonstrate, then we’ll try to follow.
Extra time is a gift. A moment of free time, together with friends, to just do “whatever we want,” is golden. This is the most valuable teaching I’ve taken away from Senpai SL: welcome those golden moments with enthusiasm.
I wish you the gift of many golden moments in your future.