Kyokushin karate, women and children, women in technology, personal fitness, writing, literature
Wednesday May 20th, 2020
Sometimes the Way isn’t clear. But Lao Tsu says, “A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent upon arriving.”
Sensei sent email to the dojo membership saying that, due to the impact of the pandemic, he cannot safely, or in a way that is financially sound, open the dojo and plans to close it permanently.
The grandparents also spoke with us about possibly moving out, but I think we talked them into staying for now. They worried about us feeling limited by their presence.
I did write for ten minutes this morning, but don’t have it in me to post it given what I know now. Yes I exercised–hoping it will keep me sane.
I didn’t know what to say to Sensei. I sent him this picture:
along with the one above. Maybe I should send him the Lao Tsu quote. How to comfort and inspire the one who normally does that for you and many others? How do you teach your teacher peace, particularly when your own heart is a turbulent ocean?
Author: an Ichi Kyu
I study Kyokushin karate at a dojo in Burbank. I don't yet have permission to say more than this about my dojo. I am also a mother of two, both of whom have studied Kyokushin karate a year longer than I. They are instructors! My husband created the art posted on this site. I have his permission to use it, but he expressly asked me not to credit him as the artist. He's moved on to other styles, and doesn't particularly want a public association with this piece. I love this artwork, personally. And me? I work full time as a cloth and hair simulation artist, as well as a python coder, in the visual effects industry. I have roughly sixteen years experience in film and about four in television. I am 50; I suppose my decision to attempt the black belt test, along with creating this blog, represents my mid-life crisis. Wish me luck!
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