Maybe I should make these entries shorter, more meditative.
Today I sat in front of the clover, which is starting to fade from its previous glory. The finch came back. I saw it on the thistle from the kitchen window as I cleaned. While sitting, the big carpenter bee came back, too. No wasps, but sweat bees.
I wonder if I can try and work meditation back into my schedule once I resume doing my exercises.
Yesterday I missed a lot of the Kihon class: it was short and I was late. I caught the end of fifth kyu syllabus. Senpai B taught us to cross with one leg in front. When I learned it a while ago, we’d done the cross with the same leg to the back. Senpai B is a black belt, and my senpai, so I don’t question. I try to learn the correction, but also not worry too much. The shape of that syllabus is there for me. It’s one of the more awkward ones, since we travel. We’d once learned the final back kick as a side kick. That had been a major correction! Senpai B’s correction for the class was more minor: cross, then do the back kick.
I want to put pictures up of the thistle, mallow and clover. Then folks will know what these things are called, and that my yard is overgrown. I love that it attracts so many birds.
My cousin’s son played a looter in a short dystopian film created by his friend, based on the pandemic. It was well done. I should pay her son a compliment!
A squirrel in the loquat tree is making a racket.