May 6th, 2020

Yesterday evening we had a good karate class, though F didn’t feel well and sat out. We did two sets of twenty push-ups, sit-ups and squats during class, so I only had to do twenty push-ups and forty of the others after class. I didn’t go in the grass this time but stayed on the patio. Sit-ups on concrete, even relatively smooth concrete, are not ideal.

Sensei focused the class on Sanchin. Primarily, he taught us the IFK counts for breathing: four count when you draw your fist back and breath in, then two as you punch out. B had a question about breathing during transitions, but Sensei didn’t see he was trying to ask.

Also, the computer logged us out twice, apparently after five minutes of “inactivity.” Our internet connection from the back patio was not great, either. Twice we lost connection with the Zoom class.

There are two squirrels, one in the loquat tree and another in the adjacent Tree of Heaven, just barking and squawking at each other. Sometimes one will chirrup. They sound angry. One makes noises like that when our cat sits in the window, so I assume it is asserting its territorial rights.

Last night, the kids angered me by leaving the kitchen in a mess. F, in particular, had left a cooking project half complete, and dirty dishes scattered. She had started a dessert, then decided she was too tired to finish, clean up or attend karate. Later, after resting, she came downstairs to finish her dessert but still did not clean up.

At ten pm, I played task master over both kids, ordering them to clean. I helped too. B washed everything. I thanked him later. I told him I found it stressful to get up early to clean and disinfect the kitchen, work all day, then, after class, I spent time looking at job boards. When I’m ready to relax with them and watch a show, we can’t because the kitchen is a mess. B said they, too, were feeling stressed by being stuck inside. They can’t see their friends, participate in activities like jazz band, or go out for very long.

I visited the websites of three large studios where I’d previously worked. Their job boards simply erred, as if someone removed those pages in a hurry. It was odd.

Author: an Ichi Kyu

I study Kyokushin karate at a dojo in Burbank. I don't yet have permission to say more than this about my dojo. I am also a mother of two, both of whom have studied Kyokushin karate a year longer than I. They are instructors! My husband created the art posted on this site. I have his permission to use it, but he expressly asked me not to credit him as the artist. He's moved on to other styles, and doesn't particularly want a public association with this piece. I love this artwork, personally. And me? I work full time as a cloth and hair simulation artist, as well as a python coder, in the visual effects industry. I have roughly sixteen years experience in film and about four in television. I am 50; I suppose my decision to attempt the black belt test, along with creating this blog, represents my mid-life crisis. Wish me luck!