Friday May 15th, 2020

I may have work for at least another two weeks. Our head visual effects supervisor, who also leads our business unit, said everyone will have two weeks’ notice.

Yesterday morning, I thought I would have a lot of data entry to do during my lunch break. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Only about eight parents responded to the email I sent out requesting contact information to hold Religious School over Zoom. I will have to scour my emails and meeting notes for contact information. That will take a while and is a much bigger job than transferring data from email to a spreadsheet.

This morning, I woke up thinking about solutions for this problem. I came up with a few different ideas for how to approach the problem. Later today, I’ll call the Rabbi.

We could email all the classroom Zoom meetings to all the parents for whom I only have email addresses. Or we could setup a “triage” Zoom session for any one not already contacted by their child’s teacher. Based on their child’s age or grade, I’d direct them to the proper Zoom class session.

Another option would be to send out the teachers’ email addresses to the parents, and tell them they have to contact their child’s teacher directly in order to participate.

One thing I know for sure: I am the worst secretary ever: not organized unless I’m forced to be, resentful of tedious tasks and bad with names. If I were not a volunteer, I would be so fired!

Maybe for the fall, I’ll write a PySide widget as a standalone and have people do actual “computer” registration, rather than our usual paper-based registration. The widget could send email to a Temple email address. I’d write a second widget to receive the emails, collate them into a list and generate a spreadsheet. It could also generate a tab-delineated text version that could be imported into any spreadsheet program. But basically, have it all digital up front. I could setup a little database system that is super-simple and compatible with whatever other programs they have, but it could operate all on its own. I can make a table widget, that’s editable, that could display the data, too. And the Temple would own the code itself.

Oh, and I forgot the purpose of this blog: I did do push-ups, sit-ups and squats both yesterday after work, and this morning. I am a responsible karateka; if only I could convince everyone at the Temple to substitute push-ups for, say, challah or sit-ups for all those cookies the Sisterhood provides, or squats instead of watered down grape juice. We could count in Hebrew as we exercise! Then Japanese! Then, because we do live in Southern California, Spanish! We’d be fit, trilingual and versed in Judaism!

Author: an Ichi Kyu

I study Kyokushin karate at a dojo in Burbank. I don't yet have permission to say more than this about my dojo. I am also a mother of two, both of whom have studied Kyokushin karate a year longer than I. They are instructors! My husband created the art posted on this site. I have his permission to use it, but he expressly asked me not to credit him as the artist. He's moved on to other styles, and doesn't particularly want a public association with this piece. I love this artwork, personally. And me? I work full time as a cloth and hair simulation artist, as well as a python coder, in the visual effects industry. I have roughly sixteen years experience in film and about four in television. I am 50; I suppose my decision to attempt the black belt test, along with creating this blog, represents my mid-life crisis. Wish me luck!